“I believe all residents of Strathfield Local Government Area (LGA) regardless of which corner of the LGA they live in, should have access to the same quality of council services and amenities.

I also believe working collaboratively with local residents to transform Strathfield into a better local area to live in.'“

- Former Councillor Raj Datta

Raj’s background


Raj has been living in the Strathfield LGA for over 31 years. He lives in Homebush West with his wife and two children. Both his children were educated at local schools and his daughter is now a Medical Doctor and his son a Dentist.

Raj has work experience of over 30 years in the corporate sector, holding various executive positions, in large organisations. He has a MBA degree, a Bachelor degree in Engineering and Bachelor Degree in Science (Hons)

Raj led the Labor team in Local Government Elections in 2012 and was elected and served as a Councillor for 5 years.

Significant achievements in the 5 years on Council include:-

  • Rebuilding of Flemington Station

  • Fought and voted against Council Amalgamation

  • Fought and voted against the overdevelopment of Bressington Park and Elliot Reserve

Raj is very well known across greater Sydney, for his association with various community organisations providing social and community services.